The trip of many stops…


Canaveral National Seashore 

Jodi:  We started out bright and early, 5am to be exact to travel to the east coast.  Our first stop was a favorite, Canaveral National Seashore accessible from A-1-A just south of New Smyrna Beach.

David:  I know, we’ve been here before, but sometimes you return to an old favorite and try to see what you might have missed on previous trips.  Besides, what a great place to catch the sunrise and the early risers!


Brown pelicans against a broody sky


A closer flyby

Jodi:  A flock of pelicans was on patrol as soon as the sun came up.  I truly enjoy how they majestically glide across the sky in search of their next meal then dive into the ocean with a splash worthy of a 9.9 in a competition.

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Approaching rain

Jodi:  We were about to take a walk when we noticed this storm moving into the area.  Not ones to melt, we took a short walk just to see who else we might encounter.


Juvenile sanderlings

Jodi:  Apparently these little guys (gals?) didn’t like the windy, rainy day any more than we did.  Check out how they are standing on one leg with their beaks buried in their feathers.

It started to rain harder and we still had a lot of time left on our schedules, so we decided to just take a drive south to see what was happening at the south section of the Canaveral National Seashore and Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Haulover Canal


Dolphin in Haulover Canal

Jodi:  At Haulover Canal, we found a few manatees, and a couple dolphins.

David:  The manatee observation area on the canal has been worth a stop on most visits to the Refuge.  Patience is usually rewarded with a marine mammal sighting!

I asked Jodi if she was interested in exploring a “new” road I had found.  She was game and we were off to the Bio Lab boat ramp a short distance away.

Bio Lab Road

David:  A sign off the main road directs you to the Bio Lab boat ramp.  Before reaching the actual ramp area, Bio Lab Road intersects with the access road and travels for about six miles south through salt and freshwater marshes and along stretches of open water.  The narrowness of this road makes for some interesting cooperative moves when you encounter a vehicle coming from the opposite direction!


Tree swallows

David:  We had traveled a relatively short distance down the road when we noticed a flock of birds…a big flock!

Jodi:  For a while, we felt like we were in an Alfred Hitchcock film.  We watched these birds ‘swarm’ for quite some time.  They moved so fast that we couldn’t even see what color they were! We never did figure out what had them all in a tizzy (technical term for birds swarming…just kidding.)

David:  I was at a loss to identify the birds, but remarked that they might be swifts or swallows after seeing a couple fairly close up.  (I later saw a reference to tree swallows feeding on crepe myrtle berries and displaying this type of behavior and it clicked.)


Gratuitous gator shot

Jodi:  The weather cleared up considerably down in this area, so we found several alligators out sunning themselves, and looking for tasty photographers.  This guy was only about 10 feet away.


Tropical buckeyes

Jodi:  David, what do we have here? Butterfly nooky?

David:  Umm…OK


Great blue heron in search of lunch

Jodi:  For the record, I never drive on these trips.  I drove once I think… David said everything was a blur. I think that’s his way of saying I drive too fast.  Guilty as charged! I do drive too fast.  So, early on we established that he would drive.  It’s a good deal for me, I get to sit back and ride and look around.  He gets to just go where the mood strikes him.  It works for us.

Why am I telling you this?

This is why I’m telling you this…a blue bird.  Yep.  On the way toward the Visitor’s Center   this the little guy (or gal) caused David to stand on the brakes, screech to a halt, slam the car in reverse and back up without regard for life or limb. (Just kidding David…you had a little regard for life and limb, but not much!)


Florida scrub jay sentinel

David:  It wasn’t that bad.  Well, OK, yes, it was that bad.  Even though I’ve professed to not being a “birder”,  I’m a sucker for scrub jays.  We had left Bio Lab Road behind and I suggested a visit to the Visitor’s Center.  We were traveling on the main road through the coastal scrub area designated as scrub jay habitat.  I saw a jay in the vegetation along side of the road and, well, you know the rest of the story.


A bit lower in the vegetation

Jodi:  This patient, brave, little bird is David’s favorite.  So we are on the hunt every time we’re out.

David:  What’s not to like?  Endemic, social, keystone species…an admirable member of our fauna.

Visitor’s Center


Jodi:  After my brush with death over a blue bird (Scrub Jay) we did a short walk on this beautiful raised walkway at the Visitor’s Center and gift shop.  I was thankful to be on solid ground again.

David:  An easy and “clean” walk through some hydric or wet habitats.  There is a floating platform on one of the ponds here that provides a sunning opportunity for the turtle population.  Throw in the butterfly habitat and there’s a lot going on along this short walk.


Jodi:  Now this last image is one that every hiker or outside enthusiast should recognize on sight.  Poison Ivy.  If you’ve ever suffered its wrath, you know of the itching, scratching and red skin.  If you haven’t always remember the rhyme, ‘Leaves of 3 let it be!’

Until next time, get out there  and Hike Central Florida and Beyond!







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Not long ago, David, Jeff and I got up early on a foggy Sunday morning and set off for Orlando Wetlands Park.

Fog-shrouded marsh

Jodi:  Not long ago, David, Jeff and I got up early on a foggy Sunday morning and set off for Orlando Wetlands Park.

David:  This land near the community of Christmas in east Orange County was purchased by the City of Orlando in 1986. The various wetland ecosystems on site – forested and non-forested – remove excess nutrients from reclaimed wastewater treated at the Iron Bridge Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant near Oviedo.  I had wanted to visit the park for a long time and was glad to finally get the chance.


Sandhill Cranes with chick

J:  I was so excited to see the ‘Cranes and their baby!  We kept a close but respectful distance as we watched them disappear deep into the tall grass.

D:  Sandhill cranes are impressive even to a “non birder-type” like me.


Closer view!

D:  A number of bird species can be observed at the park.  Judging by comments we overheard from the few other visitors we came close to this day,  bird watching seems to be a very popular activity here.

Caspian terns

...and to their right

…and to their right…Roseate spoonbills!


Roseate spoonbills

D:  Ummm…think pink with a more unusual bill.

J:  Late night or bad hair day? You be the judge.

Great blue heron looking a little disheveled

D:  If you’re like me and scales and scutes trump feathers you won’t be disappointed.  This place boasts a “robust” population of alligators.

As the sun rose higher into the sky, we realized we too were being watched!

American alligator

J:  As the sun rose higher into the sky, we realized we too were being watched!

D:  It was a little intimidating to be watched by so many pairs of crocodilian eyes…just sayin’

I see you lookin'!

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J:  So I’m on this path and I see a pretty flower with a dragonfly…photo op!

Pickerel weed blossom and dragonfly

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Uhhh you guessed it... I almost stepped on an aligator. Oops!

J:  Uhhh, you guessed it… I almost stepped on an alligator.  Imagine you’re an alligator laying on the bank.  You’re watching this crazy lady as she keeps backing up and about to step on your tail. Do you wonder how fast she can run? Or how fast you can swim to get away from her?!?  Oops!

On a serious note, this park is a great place to bring the relatives from up North who just want to see an alligator.  We lost count of how many we saw in our short hike.

D:  Robust  population

Alligator bulldozing through the filamentous algae

D:  Can’t forget about the plants




Star rush

D:  A nice feature at the park is the Oyler Overlook.  It is an earthen mound with a gradual incline that takes one to an elevation about 30′ above the surrounding landscape.  It’s a great spot to take some pictures, survey the landscape or just take a moment or two break from the hike.

One view from the top of Oyler Overlook

One view from the top of Oyler Overlook

...and another direction

…and another

J:  We spent 2-3 hours leisurely walking the approximately 6 mile trail. Next time we plan to bring our bicycles to check out a different trail. If you would like to see the property for yourself, we recommend that you check their website before making the trip out as they are closed at some times during the year.

D:  Right…the Park is closed from November 15th through January 31st of each year.  There are opportunities for bike riding and there is also a tram operated by volunteers – “Friends of the Orlando Wetlands” ( for more info on the tram and events).  I thought the tram and offer of a ride were mighty tempting when we were about 2 miles from the end of our little adventure.  We “toughed it out”, but all bets are off for next time.

Now it’s your turn to get out and Hike Central Florida and beyond but remember to always, ALWAYS watch your step!

Until next time…

Beyond Central Florida — South Rim of the Grand Canyon and Much More!

I know you were expecting a post about Orlando Wetlands Park… But I just couldn’t wait to share this one with you first.

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So speaking of my new found love of all things UCF, I have finished yet another semester.  My how time flies! After closure of Cost Accounting and a few other things, I found the time to convince Hubby that a much needed vacation was in order. So off to Sin City we went!

Most people don’t really think of Las Vegas as a place to share on a nature blog.  But I think some of you might be a little surprised at what you might find if you look around a little.

Located about 30 minutes (17 miles) from the Las Vegas strip you will find Red Rock National Conservation Area.  It boasts a 13 mile scenic drive.

Just outside the scenic drive at Red Rock Conservation Area in Nevada

Just outside the scenic drive at Red Rock Conservation Area in Nevada

Hubby and I didn’t even have to get out of our car to see some beautiful mountains. While there are plenty of opportunities for hiking Red Rock, I am currently a little out of commission with a fractured foot.  So instead, we saw burro crossing the road in front of us, Gopher Tortoises just like home, and some really cool storm clouds.


Another 30 miles South East of the Vegas strip you’ll find this dandy of an engineering feat!


The Hoover Dam image taken from the Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

Believe it or not, I was able to take all the dam pictures I wanted!  Who knew??

Last but certainly not least, Jeff and I are the adventurous types.  So don’t take this recommendation lightly.  On the same morning that we woke up and drove to the Hoover Dam, we decided on a whim to drive to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.


Yes, we did… four and a half hours to the South Rim viewing area…AND 4 1/2 HOURS BACK in the same day!  To say that it was worth every minute of that long drive through the desert would be an understatement.  Jeff and I agree that we would do again in a heartbeat.  As a matter of fact we are already planning another trip to do nothing but hike and wander aimlessly through the Grand Canyon.

On this trip we weren’t able to stay long, but we did encounter antelope, elk, and a coyote as we drove and one fantastic sunset at the rim!

South Rim of the Grand Canyon from Grand Canyon National Park

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So if you’re ever in the neighborhood, I highly recommend that you take the time to get out and visit some of these sites.

Our next post will be back in Central Florida.

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Quest for Success at UCF

Almost a year ago David and I started this blog to share our adventures as we Hike Central FL and Beyond.  To some of you (especially Dave) I have been noticeably absent for the last couple months.  So I feel compelled to give you an explanation.


My latest semester ended last month and it was the worst of my entire academic career.  So as I struggled and struggled, I became less and less available to work with David.  Being the trooper that he is, he carried on without me.  Thank you for understanding Dave!

Now being the photographer that I am, I would like to share with you a little gallery of my last 12 months at the second largest university in the nation.

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UCF has been one of the most challenging and rewarding adventures of my life.  So from time to time I will update you on my progress.  Our next post will be back to hiking and showing off the beauty of Central Florida and Beyond.

Until then…Charge on!

佛跳墙 加速器 推特

I voted today.  There was no wait and it took me all of 20 minutes, tops, to sign in, cast ballot and get my “I voted” sticker.  Early voting is the bomb!

11度青春之《老男孩》 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-10-30 · 11度青春系列是由11位当下青年导演中的翘楚执导系列电影短片,由中国电影集团联手优酷网共同出品,汇集最鲜活的青春奋斗力量。 本片叙述了一对好友肖大宝(肖央 饰)和王小帅(王太利 饰)人到中年重新登台找回梦想的故事。80年伕的他伔做过所有那么年纪叛逆少年经历的一切,打架闹 事、痴迷 ...

David:  Whereas some like my brother and his mountain biking friends prefer to be out bashing and thrashing through the mud and trees of a mountain bike course, my taste runs to a nice smooth trail pedaling at a sane pace and soaking in the sights.  The section of the Cross-Seminole Trail from downtown Oviedo to Layer Elementary in Winter Springs is a favorite of mine with bridges, creeks, parks, wildflowers, wildlife and easy access.

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New Feature!! – Updated 10/9/2014

Just updated a new feature – Flora and Fauna Gallery – Interactive. It’s kind of a “have you seen this” critter, wildflower, etc.   Hope you can check it out and let us know what you’ve seen and what you think!

New Theme for the Blog

Just wanted to let you know that your eyes are not deceiving you.  Jodi and I are trying out a new format or theme for the blog.  Let us know what you think!



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《老王》写了哪几件事?_作业帮:2021-11-29 · 老王中,文章写了老王和“我”交往中的那几件事? 2021-10-25 扫描下载二维码 ©2021 作业帮 联系方式 作业帮协议


Wading birds


David:  Great and snowy egrets, white ibis and a couple of wood storks for good measure.  This place was living up to its reputation as a birders’ paradise and we were just getting started!

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New Feature!!

Just added a new feature – Flora and Fauna (flowers and critters) Gallery – Interactive. It’s kind of a “have you seen this” critter, wildflower, etc.   Hope you can check it out and let us know what you’ve seen and what you think!

leaf and twig

where observation and imagination meet nature in poetry

Cheri Lucas Rowlands

Editor and writer. Interested in tiny things, unhealthy nostalgia, old jungle mixtapes, my little homestead, and my cats. Not to be fed after midnight.


I'm a free-range chicken. I write stuff. Oh, and I eat BBQ.

The Blog

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

Thin spiral notebook

My journal of big words and pretty pictures

A blog about outdoor adventure and Vanlife

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